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One-Point Perspective

 In this project our goal was to learn on one-point perspective. We started by hand drawing the figures and connecting it all into one point. I decorated each of the four sections of the buildings with seasonal activities. Then I took the hand drawn photo and scanned it. Then I moved the digital drawing into Photoshop.


Once the photo was in Photoshop, I set the photo to multiply. This made it so that all the white parts to transparent. Then I colored on the layer beneath the photo. I added some photos to give some of the buildings more texture. My greatest strength was the choice of color in my building with the contrasting seasonal colors. My greatest challenge of this project is deciding what to put some of the buildings were and how to decorate them. If I were to polish this project I would clean up some of the extra lines and darken them up a bit by using levels is Photoshop.

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