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Digital Theatre Projections and Animations Creator

March 2017 - Present

Created animations and projections used as digital backdrops used in local theatre productions.

Stage Manager

September 2016 - Present

Stage manager for local youth productions. Responsible for taking production notes, rehearsal reports, coordinating movement of set pieces and props, assisting actors with quick changes and ensuring actors were in place on time. 

Props Manager

September 2016 - Present

Procured props as well as created any props needed for production.  Responsible for properly placing and overseeing maintenance of any props needed throughout the run of a production.

Summer Intern Emerald C Gallery

Summer 2017

Prepped materials for summer camp students and assisted in teaching classes.


Coronado School of the Arts

August 2016 - Present

Student in the Digital Arts conservatory with a focus in animation. Created animated shorts that have accepted to film festivals and art exhibitions.

Idyllwild Art Camp

July 2017

Drawing and painting intensive at Idyllwild Arts Academy.

ID Tech 

July 2016, July 2017

Three weeks of training in Maya at ID Tech camps.

Emerald C Gallery

August 2016 - June 2017

Weekly private art instruction at Emerald C Gallery.


Coronado High Commendation Award 2019

Received award for English and for student ambassador activity at Coronado School of the Arts.


Second Place Chula Vista Film Festival 2019

For the animation Ugly.


Chula Vista Film Festival Official Entry 2019

For the animation Lament of War.


San Diego Museum of Art Young Arts 2019

 For the animation Lament of War.


 San Diego Fringe Festival Video Contest 2018

Created winning promotional video advertising the SD Fringe Festival.


Second Place Best Animation Short 2018

The International KidsNFilm Festival for Ugly.


CoSA DigArts Extravaganza 2018 

Judges’ Choice Award for Best Animation.


Judges’ Choice  Award for Best Animation Flipbook and Viewers Choice Award for Best Picture-Beginning Animation.

Career Technical Education Award 2016 & 2017 For Design New Media and Animation.

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